Monday, December 10, 2007

Move uploaded file.. where? not there!!!

A plan we'd had for integrating tools from all the different sites together has come awry.

It is entirely possible that I am doing something wrong, so if anyone has insight, do please feel free to show me to way!

I was creating pages where content folks can edit some basic things on the page for mgmhd, and upload images.

The problem I ran into was that our main tools has it's own domain. The folder where these files lives happens to not be in the same path as the folder where I want to put the images. I can't work out how (using move_uploaded_file) to put the image where I want it to go.. it keeps trying to put it under /tools/foldername/image.jpg. Oh well.. mgmhd gets it's own tools! Yayz0rs.


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