Monday, July 13, 2009

Lots of fixes after the vacation

Currently my parents are in town for their annual visit from Australia, so we're off to Santa Barbara area today to get some rest time in.

Thanks everyone for the feedback, the bad spelling fix happened right before they presented the Photosynth at a big Microsoft conference. Was very relieved to have that fixed before they put it up on the big screen.

Thanks to Anonymous to catching the duplicate Search and Rescue content group. Not quite sure how that one managed to get itself published live, but it's deleted now. When I create a content group, it acts as the "page" for a group of images, or a video. The one was blank, so it just showed other stuff from that series, which right now is videos. I've been working to try and get the order of what comes out there changed, based on what you're already looking at. The media player used to only show stuff from that content in the strip, but right before launch I added some code to throw in stuff from the series so it didn't look so blank. Lots of things to improve!

JenR, I will definitely look into the captions. The full episodes are all from Hulu, so I am not sure if there is anything we can do with those, although they might have versions we can use, I'll find out. The clips are mostly produced by us, old clips we may not even have captions for, but again, I'll ask the video people and hopefully find something we can do there.

Watcher652, thanks for your tons of feedback. I'm not sure exactly what's happening with your navigation problems. Can you tell me what OS/Browser you're using? It could be a javascript/css problem. When you select "Atlantis" from the navigation menu, you should end up here: this page loads the media player with Atlantis video and images. Next to the media player should be an ad to buy SS5 on DVD. Under the media player is a section with two tabs, summary and episodes. Everything in those sections should only be content from Atlantis.
The site no longer remembers which is your show preference. This is something I'd like to add back in during phase 2, but it was starting to get too complicated, so we took it out at launch.

On the images page, once you've selected "Atlantis" you can then see on the right of that, the list of seasons (1-5). If you then select a season, you will see under that the list of episodes, and can do directly to the episode you'd like to see images from. The images are ordered by when they were modified. This is something I'd also like to change, and is in phase 2, to order them by season, episode number.

We have such a large amount of content to enter, and only two people entering it, so keep watching the site, as the other drop down menu's will begin to get populated over the coming weeks. We also didn't get to upload the images from seasons 1-3 for Atlantis yet, those will come sooner rather than later, as I know the selects are complete, and I think seasons 2 and 3 are already ready for upload. With Comic-con next week, the only other person uploading images is super busy with that, and I'm away! :)

Related Tags are.. in need of some love. At the moment if we don't have data for the tag, it's randomly assigned a number. This was because before the site launched, we didn't have any data, so all the tags appeared to be the same size. I'm going to revisit how they are ordered, and what font size is assigned once we have more traffic data.

Some episodes we just don't have images for. There aren't any in the library, and none we can find elsewhere. For these we are trying to get some hi-def video's, so we can make some captures, but it's not going to happen very soon.

Thanks for catching that key episode error on McKay, I've fixed it. The order of Key Episodes is just the order I tagged them in. I would like our main content person to choose the order based on relevance instead, but first I'll have to program a way for her to do that.

We don't have a help function, or a site map, although the site map is coming, as we area creating one for search engines as well. I'm actually quite surprised you're having trouble with navigation though. On the whole the feedback has been the opposite, that people much prefer the navigation on the new site, and others have taken pains to compliment the navigation.

Thanks very much for all the feedback, keep it coming. We're trying very hard to improve, and fix the things we know aren't right, or aren't as good as they could be.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for looking into the captioning. I'm figuring that nothing can be done about the old videos - to many episodes to even think about going back and adding them all! But I'm wondering if at least Stargate Universe can be captioned as it airs? (but again that might be more on SyFy Channel than MGM)?