Monday, May 4, 2009

Can't seem to locate...

I just can't seem to locate a photo from "Spoils of War" that everyone hasn't already seen. I'll keep looking, as I know more images are being picked and approved all the time. In the meantime, how about something completely different?

Work on the new Stargate site is coming along well. Many of the pictures of my cats & lorem ipsum are being replaced be real actual honest to goodness content! It's exciting to watch it all take shape.



morjana said...

Hi, Jeni!

Oh, cool, a photo from The Cure!

Thank YOU so much!


PadawanAneiki said...

JENI!!! Just got wind this was goin' again. :D So had to poke in and say hello and GREAT pics...I love the one a few back from The Shrine... :D

Great to see new stuff. :)


wraithfodder said...

Well, they sure look like a bunch of happy campers ;)

morjana said...

So, Jeni.

How many times have you see the new Star Trek movie?
