Saturday, October 27, 2007

Amazon buy links at

Something good happened last week! After much back and forth over bank accounts, authorizations, email account setups that seemed to take forever (really long.. I think 3 weeks?) yesterday finally was the culmination of all that effort.

It only took me about an hour to write the code to put in the pages (I followed the instructions someone had kindly provided at, a couple more hours to test and improve, then on a Friday afternoon (worst time on the planet to go live) we pushed it live!

Although it doesn't seem like a very noteworthy moment.. it marks the turning point for our group, when we actually start making money! We don't think it will be much, but it is a lot better than simply sending people to Best Buy, from whom we get no profit share at all.

In the near future I hope to also add Amazon UnBox buy links to our catalog, especially for the Stargate Franchise although I think they will probably be linked someplace else first...

Just this last week we had a major outage. One microsite went down in the outage, as did one section on It doesn't sound that major, but it had the potential to take down a lot more than that! We learned from the incident that we need to implement a failover plan not only for the hardware the databases sit on, but also the file storage package on which the data actually sits. To be honest we thought it already HAD such a failover. Turns out we were wrong. I hate "learning" things through serious outages, but it had the advantage of moving it to the top of our priority list.

Picture: My traffic fun..


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