Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Amazon unbox episode links

Ah ha!! I think I have it.. well sort of. Not as wonderfully automatic as on mgm.com, but passable. I've added an extra field for each episode, which unfortunately will have to be manually entered when the episode is added (and ones already up will have to be retroactively done) for the ASIN. This is the ID Amazon gives for each and every product in it's catalog.

Using the ASIN, I can do an ASIN Search using the AWS API, to get the buy link for each episode. It won't be ready for launch, but as soon as our Content Queen gets a chance, she'll have the arduous task of adding all the ASIN's to our DB, then the buy episodes will work!

In the meantime, I am hoping that Amazon does something to it's IndexSearch in the AWS API to allow me to search for "Stargate Atlantis Missing" and find the right eps. Oh well!


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