Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ooops.. my programming fails me :S

Thanks Elyse for your feedback.. It turns out my programming "around" such an error as your describe failed. Ouch.. Am going to try and fix it tomorrow. I wrote a page such as when people upload images, it should show a marker (check or x) if the thumbnail image is not smaller than the main image. I failed! In the meantime I've turned off the image altogether, as from home, I don't have access to the proper size.

Ugh my life is bugs! I feel like I squash one, and twenty more appear!

Thanks again, I appreciate it so much when you guys let me know what's broke.


ps. Kristen you really made my team's day. We receive so much negative feedback, it's such a wonderful thing to get something positive! Morjana also helps us tons, she's great like you! (and all the other fans, you all make Stargate what it is, without you we'd be lost)

Elyse, thankfully most of it doesn't have to get entered by hand, but someone has to look at every entry and determine where it should get moved to in the new schema. We only have one person looking after content on all our sites, and she's going to be horribly drained by the experience. She's the one responsible for all the new content on Stargate. She's awesome!

pps. Elyse.. I love your blog and I read it every day! Keep up the good work! Thanks for all the traffic to my lil old nerdville.!


Anonymous said...

I was wondering where that picture of Carter went (can I be selfish and say, thank goodness it wasn't a Sheppard picture that has momentarily vanished?)

Wow, one person to do all the new Stargate content? While draining, at least it sounds like fun to a degree (better than, say, matching numbers in accounting)

And thanks for your kind words on my Livejournal. I've had tons of fun rewriting the episodes. The shots you upload help immensely, as you can see :):)

And no problem in directing traffic to your blog; it's a great place to visit!

Anonymous said...

Aww! If I could squash some bugs for you, I would! Unfortunately the type of bugs you battle, I'd be clueless to fight; it would be like giant spider to my Samwise. ;)

The work is very cool tho'. Always fun to cruise the site!

Ivana said...


a few days back I discovered your blog and I love it!! Yeaaah :).. Thanks for those insights and fantastic pic.
I need some time to read everything (reading freak), damn college.. Hopefully.. :)
Great job on the stargate page, I'm a big fan of it =)

Thank you and take care!!