Got to see Ark of Truth today at work. Yep.. I almost fell off my chair when someone from another department came by and said "hey do you want to watch this? give me back the disc when you're done". Yeah!! I didn't manage to get all the way through it (my lunch break wasn't long enough) but so far it's just so awesome, I kept rewinding bits and watching them over. I forgot how lovely Ben Browder's eyes are, and how twitchy Vala is.
We also got a bunch of Stargate Atlantis flyers (sort of soft frisbee's) to be incorporated into a sweepstakes or giveaway of some kind. I took some photo's with it, except of course I can't find my camera download cable.
Nevermind.. here are some fun pics anyhow.
This one is from the main site, but a larger version if you click on it!
Great picture! the horse shot. I've always loved that and wish there'd been a scene in the episode like that.
Hope you're able to download the 'frisbee' pictures as I'm curious to see what they are.
Thanks again :)
Hi, Jeni.
Thanks again for the lovely photos.
What a great way to spend your lunch...watching Ark of Truth!
Only...34 days to go until it's released.
Best wishes, Morjana
Just wanted to say the shot of
Sheppard and the horse makes a wonderful computer wallpaper
Thank you so much for the pics and news! I'm all excited now about Ark of Truth!
Hi Jeni,
Nice blog. This is the second time I've visited -- the last time was when you wrote about having lunch with the ATL guys. Don't have a lot of time to surf with all the picketing to be done down here.
Anyway, it was nice to see your Star Trek pics. I'm going to have to set time aside for that exhibit... you're the third person mentioning it.
If you are into Trek, I was involved in making one of the Star Trek: New Voyages online episodes... the one with George Takei, "World Enough and Time".
It came out really well and we are really proud of it. If you want to read my pov of it, you can access it here:
-- the entries are for Oct and Sept of 2006. From there, if you want, you can access the articles I did to bring attention to our premiere through the links in my blogs to my and In the meantime, I've been asked to write an article for a book, so I'm in transcription hell and once I get the last interview done, I can start writing it.
Anyway, it's a cool episode if you are into Trek and there are a couple of websites that are carrying the episode to download.
Will try to check out your blog more regularly here -- especially for all the neat pics you have here. I'm a big fan of Daniel and of Ronon, so I'm definitely excited to see Daniel's imminent Atlantis jaunt and hope there will be some nice scenes for him with Ronon as well as the McKay ones that Joe told us about. As long as Daniel is there with Ronon, Sheppard, and McKay, I don't need anyone else... well, I guess Zelenka and Lorne can be there too...
Awesome pictures! Only just discovered, as promoted by wraithfodder at Awesome stuff! Will look forward to reading your posts in the future.
A note though, perhaps put your RSS feed link nearer the top of your blog - I almost couldn't find it so I could subscribe to you!
All the best
Can you spill the beans about the shot of Joe sand his gun? WAs this a sFX shot or was he jsut being funny?
Thank you for sharing.
I'm also getting excited for "Ark of the Truth"!
Hi Jeni.
Been reading a while. Delurking to say thanks for the pics and the little insights into the SG-verse. And I love the ST very jealous.
Also, a question.
You wouldn't happen to be involved in or know who is involved in the building of the site? Because there is a problem between the site and the DVDs and usual channels of communication don't seem to be getting anyone closer to a response.
Thanks for the fab pics. I have just found your blog after it was recommended by a friend. I can't wait to read more, I am off to explore :)
Hi Jeni,
Wonderful blog! Always good to "meet" another industry fangirl and fellow web dev. I found a link here over on David Nykl's blog, Letters from Pegasus, and was immediately hooked. Thanks for following me on Twitter, too, by the by.
Oh and. . .the cow-kanga is *perfect*!
"Pedantic Bohemian"
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