Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Couple more pics from breakfast on Friday

These weren't taken by me, but I managed to get my hands on them! More to follow:

We're all excited to hear tonight who wins at the People's Choice Awards. Everyone cross fingers for Stargate Atlantis!!



morjana said...

Hi, Jeni!

Thank you so much for sharing those lovely photos.

I've got my fingers crossed for SGA for the PCA.

Jeni, are you the one who creates the content for the Polls on the MGM site?

I love this week's poll!

Here's an idea for a poll (of course, it would probably crash your server by all the fans voting)...

Jack N' Ship/Slash

Do you ship for Jack and Sam?
Or slash for Jack and Daniel?

Keep it to two choices...

(Wasn't BAMSR fantastic! Season four rocks!)

Take care, Morjana

Unknown said...

Hi Morjana!
I don't create all the polls, but I'm often asked for ideas to what to poll about, and I'll most definitely pass on your suggestion. We did one a little like that in the past, and it was very popular!
Favorite Atlantis ship pairings?
Dex and Emmagan - 32%
Sheppard and Weir - 49%
McKay and Weir - 18%

Favorite Atlantis Slash Pairings
Sheppard/McKay - 67%
Teyla/Weir - 13%
Ronon/McKay - 20%

Interestingly though.. we had considerable more votes on the slash over the ship poll! (5,000 votes versus 20,000 votes) They ran for a similar length of time too.

BAMSR was awesome.. and I read that it got better ratings than the season premiere!


Anonymous said...

ohhhhhh -NICE pics...how cool!
*squees over Joe pic*

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos (again). :)
