It must be hard to concentrate with a camera so close to your face!
I know SGA fans don't have a fondness for this ship.. but I sort of love their non-shipness even more!
I need to take a break from working on something entirely too frustrating.. so what better to talk about than one of my favorite things! I am not sure if I'd mentioned previously, but I am a HUGE fan of Stargate fanfic. I read as much of it as I can get my hands on (which luckily is a lot). Some of it I don't like that much, some of it is brilliant, either way I love it all.
Every morning I run (well jog/stumble) and recently I've been using the treadmill in my apartment building as it's dark outside that early. Since it's mind numbingly boring in there, and all I have to stare at is myself (wall of mirror = evil) I have taught myself to run and read at the same time. I print out the story I find, punch holes in the margin, and put it in a large binder which happens to fit perfectly on the display of the treadmill. You'd be amazed at how FAST 2 miles goes by when you're busy reading! I usually set the treadmill to cross country or some such program, so that it varies the incline and speed for me.
This morning I almost finished reading one of the best I've read lately, called "White Walls" by Eildon Rhymer. Got some nice whole team whump, plus major character growth for all of the team.
Any suggestions for good fan fic will be greatly appreciated! Apparently we're not supposed to accept "scripts" but heck.. I'm a programmer (in no way a writer or related to production), and these are such wonderful stories.
Thanks for all your kind words about Steger. A few of us went to visit him last night, and take him presents (teen girl magazines.. although he wasn't as enthusiastic about them as we expected!) and plant life. He's doing much better, although it seems the worst part of his whole ordeal was the Angiogram, sounds quite unpleasant.
"White Walls" was pretty damn good. I had to wait for the whole thing to be posted before sneaking a peek to make sure due diligence was paid towards the recovery part.
I'd always rec anything by Kodiak Bear or Sholio on
I'd start off with "Last Survivor" by Kodiak bear and "Ghost in the Machine" for sholio, but they both write very well, thoughtful, lovely layered things.
If you want I'm Kristen999 on, look under my favorites, since I'm picky. It has to be well written, though I have a thing for episode tags, too. So, you'll see a mix of those as well.
Thanks for the pics!!
Actually "Between the Lines" to me is truely amazing. Check it out.
By Sholio
Thanks Kristen! For some reason I can't get to the Gateworld forums right now.. is it just me?
Sorry something happened to the link I posted. Let's try this again. It keeps trying to cut it off, but I think you can get the actual url.
No, GW has been down since late last night. Maybe they are doing another update?
Or prepping for the "Outcast" reaction...(kidding) or whatever season 5 announcement Joe M has been hinting at.
Oh here's another great source. This is a recommendation community on LJ. All fics are gen, featuring any of the characters. You can search the tags for specifics types of fics. (drama, H/c, etc) The rec'er lists summary, a reason for the rec and a link.
January 30, 2008 4:53 PM
What kind of story do you like? There's practically everything under the sun available.
Tara K.
Hi Tara, Yeah I noticed there is so much, which is great, it can be hard to randomly pick stuff. I have read almost everything by liketheriver, and loved those, then I randomly picked some from, again mostly good stuff. It's hard to read any of the adult stuff while jogging though, I tend to get a little too hot and bothered ;)
Hi, Jeni!
GateWorld Forum has had major problems and is slowly recovering. Something about your ISP now has to recognize their DNS?
GateWorld has a Yahoo Group for when they go "down":
The latest message aat 5:30pm says the site should be recovered (I was able to access it).
Jeni, thanks to MGM for the lovely trailer on Ark of Truth! Nice...
I've been reading fan fiction for over 40 years, I'm a Star Trek fan (big time) and got hooked on K/S, and now read SG1 fan fiction, a little J/D, but mostly the generic team fiction, and some of the Jack + Sam shipper fiction.
I have some favorite authors:
For Jack, Jack and Jack fiction, The Badger is tops!
and Jackfic:
Some other great sites are:
Emerald City (fan fiction by denise (skydiver) -- she's fantastic
And this author at is awesome:
Hope your boss is feeling better!
Take care, Morana
Do you read gen, ship, slash or all three?
First, glad to hear Steger is doing better. Nope, angiograms are never pleasant, but glad to hear he got through it okay.
As for fan fiction, wow, there's a lot of good (and bad ;) ) stuff out there. I adore Kodiak Bear's work (, and in particular, It's Always Autumn in the Old Trees of Despair which is a nice meaty psychological 'whump' story. Enjoy Friendshipper's work ( I've got some gen fiction (
And oh, do you have a preference on SGA or SG1 fanfic? if I find a story I like, I tend to format it, print it and can read at my leisure (reading's more fun on paper than on a computer screen) :)
Now I must go find this "White Walls" you recommended.
Retrograde is a wonderful gen SGA/SG1 crossover AU.
A great, personally think the best, source of Stargate rec fics.
A lot of people have recced friendshipper (Sholio)'s stories, and I heartily agree. My other favorite author is Tipper Green - her SGA stories are here. Tipper is an author whose stories continually makes me think, not only could that have been an episode, it should have been an episode. :)
I also second the rec for Martha Wilson's Retrograde series. I especially like Retrograde, Recovery, and Five Joint Missions, Post Retrograde (warning, do not read while consuming food or liquids - could be hazardous to your health). :)
Here is a link to some substantial stories.
Hope you like them.
Hi Jeni!
Do you enjoy AU (alternate universe) fic? Here's three of my favorites:
West Gate - A West Wing/Stargate Crossover
Renaissance - A Stargate Alternate Universe (Stargate characters in a world kinda-sorta resembling Europe during the Renaissance)
Wild West Atlantis (Stargate characters living in the fictional town of Atlantis, Colorado, a few years after the Civil War)
Lovely pics! :D
I really adore BTS types.
Hmm, fanfic.... uh, you really like it? I read fanfic too but it varies a lot in the fandom!
On the other hand, I've seen Kirsten's comment and I have to agree - Sholio writes great stuff and she would be absolutely thrilled if she saw our positive comments!
Ghost in the Machine is good mystery and another one that I positively adore is That old man in Room 3b or something like that. Sholio writes gen fics and she adores John and Rodney so all her fics tend to be of the JR friendship. A lot of Sholio's stories are basically mysteries and some sort of John and Rodney survival theme.
Oh yes, Tipper's stuff is great too. Though I don't know her or Sholio personally I know them through one of my mates here in Sydney who's met them a couple of time in the US when she's travelled.
I read through your blog and saw some of your comments about the Hollywood ashes and other stuff I wrote in the comments. :D
I have to say I'm rather envious that you live in LA - wow, it must be exciting, huh? (or a stupid remark to make?)
I hope your colleague is much better now - 25 is way too young to have a cardiac arrest...
Again, thanks for sharing the pics.
Also, here is another page with lots of recs on it.
The person who posted this page is also a great writer. You can check her blog ( for links to some of the stories she's written. I highly recommend her MENSA-verse stories (stories about Rod from McKay & Mrs. Miller in his universe).
I'm paricularly fond of Rodney and so I found this story quite lovely.
I love your comment about how SGA fans feel about Carter/McKay. Hahaha! I'm one of those who aren't interested in anything other than friendship between Rodney and Sam. But I will say that I've come to like Sam a lot.
Hi. I found this journal following a link from, um, gateworld I think. Very interesting blog, glad I saw the link.
If you're still looking for fic recs, I have a list here: . It's mostly genfic and Sheppard/Mckay, also a few great Sam/Rodney stories (as I have a not-so-secret fondness for that pairing).
I'm particularly seconding the recs for Sholio's stories, she's one of the best gen writers in the fandom.
Thanks so much for all the suggestions, I'm so glad to get some great recommendations! :D Thanks again!
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