Apologies in advance for this rant:
The one thing that we have problems with when creating new poll questions is space. We only have a small amount of space to work with, without the layout on the page getting screwy. Another problem is that many fans are so into finding things we do wrong, that they misunderstand the question.
My original question : Do you think McKay will propose to Katie Brown in the future. Sadly this didn't fit, so it was shortened to the current question: Do you think McKay will propose to Katie Brown?.
This has prompted fans to "correct" my error. Pointing out that the proposal was in Quarantine last week. To which I'd like to respond that in fact.. it didn't happen at all. McKay never asked Katie.. she just found the ring, and he told her what he was planning to do. Then at the end, he said he wasn't ready. From this I thought it would be neat to ask if you think it would happen at all.
TPTB here don't give a crap about the poll. They almost never even see it, ask about it, or in any way comment about it. If it weren't for me insisting that we keep it, it would have replaced by the hideous ad that appears below it months ago (I don't like the ads on the site either, but that's for another rant).
Anyhow, sending emails correcting the poll is only going to achieve one thing.. the removal of it.
For those that do understand my cryptic haiku like questions.. here are some more results from past polls:
Favorite Atlantis Slash Pairings
Sheppard/McKay 67% 12703 Votes
Teyla/Weir 13% 2529 Votes
Ronon/McKay 20% 3784 Votes
19016 Votes
I'm sorry people have been giving you shit about the polls. Some people like to nit pick things to death, I guess it makes them feel better. I dunno.
If it makes you feel any better, I enjoy the polls. So what if TPTB don't give a wahoo about it.
As for the McKay proposal question, personally, I think he's barking up the wrong tree with Katie. If it were up to me, I'd prefer them to just leave that relationship alone and leave me to my happy delusions...
Mmm...happy delusions.
Hi, Jeni!
I enjoy the polls as well -- and they MUST be popular, look at all the votes!
Just consider this about the fans who complain: they'd probably complain if they were hung with a new rope too!
Looking forward to Harmony!
Thank YOU, Jeni, for all your hard work. We appreciate your efforts very much!
Best wishes for a terrific weekend!
Ignore the people giving you crap about the polls, the thing we have to keep in mind about fans are they are fanatical, and therefore usually the most opinionated. Even the websites dedicated to fandom like Gateworld is filled with people who more often then not criticize a show they supposedly love or nitpick it to death.
I just began reading your blog.
How did you end up becoming the web master to the MGM site? Were you already a fan or became one afterwards?
I find the polls interesting and they spread like a virus on live journal and other places when certain ones pop up. It's interesting because the current one I saw people hated the idea that people were going for Keller/Carter and that spread like fire to the McKay/Sheppard fans who rallied everyone to vote for their favorite.
Keep putting them up, they spicen up the space.
I also very much enjoy all your behind the scenes pics. I adore one the set shots of the cast, especially those of Joe.
I love the polls and I love your blog. You keep doing what you're doing!
I love the polls, and I'm sorry people are giving you a hard time - especially since you're completely correct! He never did propose, and that door was left wide open. Keep up the good work with the polls, and thanks for continuing to post about life behind the scenes at MGM!
I think because fans like polls which aren't, um, past due?, that's where some comments came from. I know I was puzzled why a poll in which the answer was pretty much known would come after an aired episode.
Meanwhile, the photos you're posting are gorgeous. Wish we could get that size at the MGM site as they're great for computer wallpapers.
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